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Thursday, December 23, 2010

And a good day to you, too

Well, hello there, Internet! Shall we?

First, a little about this blog.

This is just a personal blog, nothing fancy. I hope you'll find it slightly interesting to read, as I hope I will find it interesting to write. There's no set theme yet, beyond the documentation of my average life in Maine. There are many different aspects to living in Maine - for instance, right now it's m-fin' cold outside. And there's snow on the ground. BUT, in approximately 5 months, it will be slightly less cold, and will be muddy. Then it starts to get buggy, then really hot (but only for the months of July and August), then wha-BAM - it's cold again.
Seriously, there's more to it than that. I love Maine and all its weird, quirky charms. There are plenty of things I don't love about it (which we will discuss more as time goes on), but I also love the things being done to change those not-so-favorite aspects of our state. So, for everything that may suck about Maine, there are at least 37 million things which don't, making this place a damn good deal. For example - cost of living really high because of taxes and heating oil? No problem! We have at least 18 breweries in state, providing you with tasty, local beer at reasonable prices, which you can purchase and drink when you're feeling particularly ticked off about the high cost of living.
Ok, so maybe that was a bad example. Maybe we should just carry on with this introductory crap and I'll save the other stuff for later.

And now, a little about the author.

I'm E. I'm a 25 year-old law student living in Portland, ME with Wife, Old Dog and Crazy Dog. Crazy Dog has lots of other names too, but we'll go with the most polite one first. I'm currently taking advantage of my winter break to take another stab at blogging. I have no delusions of grandeur or expectations that this blog will make me into a super-wealthy Internet celebrity (although I will not complain if that happens), I just miss writing things that I enjoy writing, rather than writing things I am assigned to write.
Once upon a time, I thought I was going to be a writer, and I even worked for a couple of newspapers over the span of about 2 years. But that didn't work out so well at age 21 (lots of responsibility+deadlines+free-form schedule+beer=disaster), so I spent the last few years working in social services, gradually getting poorer as Wife, Old Dog and I moved to the big city, acquired Crazy Dog, had a lot more big-city bills to pay, and generally got slapped in the face with a shitty, shitty economy. So I went to law school.
Unfortunately, my planning stopped at "law school." Now I need to figure out why I'm doing this and what I want to do in a couple of years when they set me loose on the hapless citizens of Portland. Hopefully, along the way, I'll also figure out how to not suck at something and will end up doing that.

If I don't, then I guess I have to become an Internet celebrity, right?

So anyway, feel free to stop by now and then. Or even every day, if you like. This blog will likely be updated pretty regularly for at least a month (while I'm on break) and then may drop off considerably when the semester starts anew. Or it might not. That all depends on how badly I want to avoid my homework.

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